Space Café Radio
Space Café™ Radio brings you our engaging talks, insightful interviews, and unfiltered perspectives in an exciting new format. With this show, you will have the opportunity to hear our team of SpaceWatchers while we are on the road. Each episode will feature a unique topic and personal touch, with content that is both exclusive and informative. We invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
Don't hesitate to send us your feedback at radio@spacewatch.global.
Space Café Radio
Space Cafe Radio Frontiers - Pioneering Space Futures with Mishaal Ashemimry
Space Debris and the Global Space Economy: Insights from the Center for Space Future
In this episode of Space Café Radio, join Torsten Kriening, Publisher at SpaceWatch.Global as he interviews Mishaal Ashemimry, Managing Director of the Center for Space Future, during the 'Connecting the World from the Skies' conference in Riyadh, November 2024. They talk about the critical issue of space debris and its impact on the space economy, discussing the Center's mission, regulatory measures, technological advancements, and cross-sector collaboration. Ashemimry shares her extensive background in aerospace engineering and outlines the Center's goals and future plans, emphasizing global cooperation and innovative solutions for space sustainability.
Space Café Radio brings you talks, interviews, and reports from the team of SpaceWatchers while out on the road. Each episode has a specific topic, unique content, and a personal touch. Enjoy the show, and let us know your thoughts at radio@spacewatch.global
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